8 Flat Tummy Drinks to Help You Lose Belly Fat

Flat tummy water is a great natural drink to help you lose belly fat and assist with weight loss in general. Water infusion recipes to help get a flatter tummy are also delicious and pleasurable to drink. What’s more, drinking water infused with ingredients like cucumber, ginger, mint, and lemon effectively flush toxins from your body and help you lose fat around your belly at the same time.
Generally, naturally flavored water has no calories and drinking it regularly will make you feel fuller for longer. Drinking flat tummy water can help you boost your metabolism, thus speeding up weight loss.
Of course, any healthy weight loss program should also include regular exercise, watching portion size, and reducing your calorie intake. However, if you want to lose weight in general, increasing your consumption of weight loss water will help you lose weight quicker.
In this article I am going to look at scientific-based research on the benefits of drinking water infusions to help lose weight. You will also discover great flat tummy water recipes that are easy to make at home and taste delicious. First, let’s look at what exactly is flat tummy water.
What is Flat Tummy Water?
Flat tummy water is a term given to infused water drinks to help improve your health, detox your system, and help you lose weight. Incorporating these weight-loss drinks into your diet will help you lose weight in general and reduce the size of your belly.
The benefits of drinking weight loss water are derived from their water content and the infusion of natural ingredients to give your metabolism a boost.
That is why flat tummy water recipes include natural ingredients like ginger, lemon, cucumber, cinnamon, honey, cayenne pepper, or apple cider vinegar. This also gives your body a good supply of vitamins and nutrients to help you maintain a healthy body while losing weight.
The Benefits of Flat Tummy Water for Weight Loss
Of course, just drinking a few glasses of detox water without making other lifestyle changes won’t dramatically cause you to shed extra pounds. However, many of the ingredients in flat tummy water can help you get and maintain a healthy weight.
Here are some research-based reasons why infused water drinks like flat tummy water can help improve weight loss.
Keep calories under control
Increasing your water intake and drinking a glass of flat tummy water with meals can help keep calories under control. For example, the research journal Obesity published a study showing that people who consumed water with their meal lost more weight than those who didn’t increase water consumption.1
Keeps body fluids in balance and reduce the risk of obesity
To help keep your metabolism functioning properly, you need enough water to help transport vitamins and nutrients to cells and tissue in your body. Research published in the journal Nutrition Reviews reported that water itself is a nutrient, and adequate fluid intake is essential for the health of your body.2
The same research mentioned that school children who increased their water intake by one glass per day reduced their risk of obesity by over 30%.2
Flushes out toxins and boosts the digestive system
Drinking enough water helps to flush out toxins from your kidneys, liver, and blood. However, drinking water infused with other natural ingredients can increase the antioxidant effect of water.
The journal Fitoterapia published a study on the effect of cucumber on ridding the body of free radicals. The study found that cucumber helps to remove waste and toxins from the body. It also boosts the digestive system and has great therapeutic potential.3 Later in the article you’ll find a recipe of detox water for weight loss containing cucumber and other healthy ingredients.
Boosts metabolism for faster weight loss
Boosting your metabolism will help you lose belly fat, assist you in losing weight faster, and make your face thinner. Many of the ingredients that are popular in flat tummy water have metabolism-boosting properties that can help you lose 30 pounds in a month.
For example, ginger is in many detox water recipes because it stimulates blood circulation and digestion. A study published in the journal Metabolism reported that ginger helps to raise body temperature which, in turn, stimulates metabolism. Also, drinks containing ginger help give a feeling of satiety.4
Energizes you
Many infused water drinks for weight loss also help to give you plenty of energy without piling on the calories.
The website MedlinePlus published information on the effect of water intake and energy levels. The researchers reported that consuming enough fluids help maintain electrolyte balance in your body. This is essential for your body’s blood chemistry and muscle actions.5
Many flat tummy water recipes contain ingredients that help regulate electrolyte levels in your body.
How to Make Your Own Flat Tummy Water – Top Recipes
You can make your own flavored weight loss water very easily at home. Because these infused drinks are much tastier than regular water, you usually drink more of them than just plain water.
All you need is a good source of clean water, a large glass container, and plenty of delicious herbs, fruits, and vegetable to create your delicious detox drink. In general, the water and ingredients are stored in the glass container overnight in the refrigerator to infuse and will last for up to 2 days.
1. Ginger flat tummy water
Because of ginger’s many medicinal and beneficial properties, it is often used in infused detox water drinks. But there are many other ways that eating ginger can help you lose weight:
Ginger boosts your metabolism and help you feel fuller. A study published in Metabolism in 2012 found that ginger has a thermogenic effect by enhancing the thermic effect of food as well as promoting feelings of satiety.17
Ginger helps you lose weight. One study published in 2013 found that ginger can reduce body weight in obese people.6
For this flat tummy ginger infusion recipe, you will need:
- 2 inches (5 cm) ginger root
- 4 cups (1 l) filtered water
- 2 tablespoons of organic orange juice
- Some honey to taste
First of all, grate or chop the ginger and put in a pan with the water. Bring to the boil and allow to simmer for 5 minutes with the lid covered. When the ginger infusion has cooled, add the honey and orange juice.
You can drink the ginger detox weight loss drink hot or cold to help give your body and metabolism a boost.
Related article: How to Lose Weight and Belly Fat with Ginger (Research Based)
2. Flat tummy water with lemon
Lemon is another great natural ingredient that you can add to detox drinks to help speed up belly fat loss. The juice and pulp from lemons contain high amounts of vitamin C, pectin fiber, and citric acid. Lemons can help in your fight against weight gain and may help you get a flatter tummy quicker so lemon water can help you lose weight faster.
One study into pectin fiber in lemon found that it helps to keep you feeling fuller for longer.7 Another study from Japan found that lemon contains enzymes that can help the liver to function more effectively. The study found that these enzymes suppressed weight gain and reduced fat accumulation.8
The easiest way to make a quick lemon detox water drink for weight loss is to squeeze half a lemon into a glass of water. Drink this every morning to make a refreshing start to your day and help rid your body of toxins.
Alternatively, you can make a flat tummy water pitcher with these ingredients:
- 1 lemon sliced or cut into thin wedges
- 15 sliced strawberries
- 5 fresh mint leaves
Put the strawberries, lemon slices, and mint leaves into a pitcher and fill will ice-cool water. Leave in the refrigerator overnight to infuse. The sweet strawberries will help counteract the tartness of the lemons and mint helps boost the weight-loss properties of this infusion.
Related article: She Drank Honey Lemon Water for 1 Year – This Is What Happened
3. Flat tummy water recipe with cucumber and mint
You can also combine mint with cucumber and other ingredients to make a delicious flavored water drink to lose weight quicker.
We’ve already seen the benefit of adding cucumber to flat tummy water recipes. Mint will also help your tummy look slimmer. Researchers from the University of Maryland reported that mint relaxes the stomach muscles and combats bloating, excessive gas, and improves the digestive system.9
This delicious flat tummy detox drink incorporates many of the ingredients mentioned in this article. You can infuse the ingredients in a glass container or BPA-free infuser bottle. You will need:
- 6 cups (1.5 l) filtered water
- 3 cm of freshly grated ginger root
- 1 cucumber, peeled and sliced.
- 1 lemon thinly sliced
- 1/2 cup mint leaves
- Some honey to sweeten the infusion
Add all the ingredients to the pitcher, allow to infuse overnight, and drink regularly throughout the day to help boost your weight-loss program.
4. Honey & cinnamon for weight loss
Another great drink you can make at home to help lose weight and belly fat is a honey and cinnamon detox water.
Consuming honey in moderation is a great addition to many weight-loss flavored water drinks because it gives natural sweetness and energy without adding unhealthy calories. Just remember that honey adds extra calories to the weight loss drink, so don’t exaggerate with the consumption of honey to keep calories under control.
One study published in the International Journal of Food and Science Nutrition reported that honey has a positive effect on body weight without increasing blood sugar levels (however the report recommends caution consumption of this food by diabetic patients).10
Cinnamon is also a natural antioxidant that can help to rid the body of toxins and get rid of excess body fat. For example, research into the beneficial properties of cinnamon found that adding ground cinnamon to meals helps to reduce blood sugar levels. It also contains antioxidant enzymes that help destroy free radicals.11
For this flat belly water recipe, you can make a hot drink with honey and cinnamon using the following method:
- Add 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon to a cup of hot water and stir well. The best type of cinnamon to use is Ceylon Cinnamon.
- When the liquid has cooled, add a teaspoon of raw, organic honey.
- Take the cinnamon drink before meals to help reduce your food cravings to help you lose weight faster.
Also, the honey and cinnamon drink is a great energy-booster anytime you feel that your energy levels are low.
Alternatively, you can add 2 sticks of cinnamon and one thinly sliced apple to a pitcher of water and allow to infuse overnight. Pour into a glass, add a teaspoon of honey and drink to get the health benefits from this chilled weight loss detox water.
5. Apple cider vinegar flat tummy drink
You can make a fat burning and detox drink with raw unprocessed apple cider vinegar. There are many scientific studies and anecdotal reports on how apple cider vinegar can help lose weight and belly fat.
Many of the health benefits of raw, unprocessed apple cider vinegar are due to its levels of acetic acid. The Journal of Agricultural Food Chemistry reported that acetic acid prevents accumulation of body fat by boosting the function of the liver.12 Other studies have shown that the acetic acid levels in vinegar help to increase the feeling of fullness and can help a person eat less.13
How to use:
The easiest way to boost your weight-loss program with apple cider vinegar is to drink apple cider vinegar diluted in water daily. You should mix 1-2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar to a glass of water and drink first thing in the morning. If the taste is too acidic, you can add some raw honey as a natural sweetener. The combination of apple cider vinegar and honey has many health benefits.
Related article: How to Make Apple Cider Vinegar Detox Drinks
6. Green tea drink for weight loss
Regularly drinking green tea hot or cold can have a beneficial effect on your weight and also help rid your body of toxins. Green tea contains high levels of antioxidants that can help protect against various health conditions like cancer, high cholesterol, diabetes, and liver disease.
The University of Maryland reported on the protective health benefits of consuming green tea. The researchers also commented that clinical studies have shown that green tea can help to burn body fat by boosting metabolism.14
To make the recipe for flat tummy water using green tea, you will need:
- 2 tea bags of green tea
- 1 tablespoon raw apple cider vinegar
- Juice from 1/2 lemon
- Honey or stevia to taste
To make the flat tummy drink, make the green tea by letting 2 tea bags infuse in an 8-oz. cup of boiling water. Keep covered for 10 minutes and remove the tea bags. When the green tea has cooled, add the apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, and natural sweetener to taste. Stirr well and enjoy this drink hot or cold to boost your metabolism.
7. Lemon, cayenne pepper, and honey weight loss water
By adding a bit of spice to flavored water infusions, you can help curb appetite and food cravings.
Doctors from WebMD reported on a study using cayenne pepper for weight loss. Researchers found that by adding red cayenne pepper to meals or drinks, people burned more calories per hour. The study also found that cayenne pepper decreased hunger pangs.15
To help reduce your appetite and lose belly fat naturally, you can make the cayenne pepper flat tummy drink by using the following recipe. You will need:
- 1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper
- 2 tablespoons lemon juice
- 2 tablespoons honey
- 10 oz. filtered water
Mix all the ingredients in a large glass of water and drink before meals. The lemon in the flat tummy water drink helps to flush toxins and give you a boost of vitamin C. The honey improves your energy levels and cayenne pepper gets your metabolism working better.
As an alternative to the above recipe, you can substitute the lemon juice with 2-3 cm of grated ginger.
8. Grapefruit, apple cider vinegar, and honey weight loss drink
You can add grapefruit to flat tummy detox drinks because of its ability to help lose weight. Combining grapefruit, apple cider vinegar, and honey together makes a delicious drink that can help you get a slimmer belly, lose weight, and detox your entire body.
The Journal of Medicinal Food reported that grapefruit helps improve metabolism and balance blood sugar levels. The research found that eating half a grapefruit or drinking its juice 30 minutes before a meal resulted in greater weight loss than not consuming the grapefruit. The researchers concluded that grapefruit should be included in a weight reduction diet.16
For this belly fat reducing drink, you will need the following natural ingredients:
- 1 cup of fresh grapefruit juice
- 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
- 1 teaspoon raw, organic honey
Thoroughly mix all the ingredients together and consume it 30 minutes before a meal to help you lose weight.
How to Use Flat Tummy Water to Lose Weight and Belly Fat
For best results, you should consume flat tummy water concoctions regularly throughout the day. The beauty of these weight-loss drinks is that you can try different drinks and change the ingredients to get one that you love.
Many people who use detox water infusions to reduce weight do the following:
- Drink one cup of flavored water first thing in the morning to give their metabolism a boost.
- Consume one glass of infused water for weight loss 20-30 minutes before a meal to reduce appetite cravings.
Is Flat Tummy Water for Me?
Many people wonder when they start drinking flavored water for weight loss what they can expect from it. The weight loss you can expect to see from these detox infusions will happen gradually and you should be patient. Also, consuming flat tummy water drinks will be most effective for you when used in conjunction with a healthy exercise program, reducing calorie intake and maintaining a healthy diet.
There are also other factors like genetic makeup, stress, and nutritional intake that can all have a bearing on weight loss or weight gain.
Whatever the case, increasing your fluid intake with these healthy flavored water drinks will boost your health in general and you may see that you start to lose extra weight gradually.
How To Speed Up Your Weight Loss
There are ways to help you lose weight faster while you consume the flat belly water:
You must avoid these 8 foods to keep belly fat away, processed foods, and don’t indulge in fast food. You should also avoid these 10 fake foods and also make sure that your food doesn’t contain these ingredients.
Did you know that coconut oil can help you lose weight? I’ve already mentioned it in my other article on how to use coconut oil to lose weight.
The following things will help you lose weight faster:
- Get moving! If you do some moderate exercise, five times a week, you’ll be helping your metabolism and increase your metabolic rate. For more information read my article on how much walking you need to lose weight.
- Eat foods rich in potassium. This mineral reduces your stress levels and lowers blood pressure. Good sources are bananas, sweet potatoes, avocados and spinach.
- Reduce your sugar intake, especially refined sugars – there are effective ways to help you quit sugar.
Here a few more articles that you may want to read to learn about effective weight loss techniques:
- 12 Simple Tweaks for Weight Loss and Great Health
- Belly Fat Burning Foods – What To Eat To Get Rid of Belly Fat
- Weight Loss Study: Triple Fat Loss With One Teaspoon of this Spice
- Increase Fat Burning by 36% With This Exercise Method
- How to find your ideal weight according to the BMI chart
If you want to lose belly fat fast, you also need to avoid certain food groups and specific foods as well. It is also important to learn how to cook delicious meals that can specifically help you lose belly fat. You can even accelerate your fat loss by doing certain types of exercises. Unfortunately I cannot cover all this information in one article but you can find all this information in my e-book Blast Your Belly Fat.
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