Homemade DIY Body Wraps to Lose Weight, Detox and Reduce Cellulite

Many people use homemade DIY body wraps if they want to lose weight, detox, or get rid of unsightly cellulite. Making body wraps at home to improve your skin and lose a few inches is much cheaper than a session at a spa. In fact, homemade body wraps can be just as effective as ones that are very expensive.
DIY body wrap recipes include natural ingredients that help to nourish your skin, draw out impurities, and make your skin tighter. For example, coconut oil body wraps help to keep your skin moist and nourished as well as having antimicrobial properties. Other ingredients in home body wraps include Epsom salt, ginger, cayenne pepper, and natural oils to help detox your skin and make skin appear tighter.
One of the benefits of using DIY body wraps is that you can target specific areas of your body. For example, stomach body wraps for weight loss can be wrapped around your waist to help lose an extra inch or two. Or, you can use the plastic DIY wrap around your thighs or buttocks if you need the wrap for skin tightening.
Of course, some are skeptical if homemade body wraps really work for what they claim to achieve. You may be asking whether body wraps really work for cellulite or to lose weight. Also, you may be wondering how long the effects of homemade body wraps last.
In this article, you will find answers to your questions on how to use DIY body wraps for weight loss, removing cellulite, and detox. You will also learn about the science behind weight loss body wraps and if scientific studies have proved that body wraps indeed produce results. At the end of the article you will find DIY body wraps recipes for weight loss, detox, and getting rid of cellulite.
What Are Body Wraps to Lose Weight, Detox, and Reduce Cellulite?
Body wraps use a variety of natural ingredients to help draw out impurities from the skin, hydrate it, and re-mineralize the skin. A plastic wrap is used to wrap up your body or an area of your body. A warm cover is then placed over your body to keep you warm for between 20 minutes to an hour.
According to Dr. Debra Jaliman on WebMD, body wraps usually leave a person feeling relaxed. The combination of natural ingredients, warmth, and relaxing can help improve skin tone.1
Usually, detox or weight-loss body wraps start with skin exfoliation to remove dead skin cells and unclog pores.
Dr. Jaliman says that there are a number of different kinds of body wraps. The most popular body wraps are:
- Moisturizing body wraps to help keep skin well-hydrated.
- Body wraps for detox that include ingredients to pull toxins from the skin.
- Body wraps for weight loss that use tightly wrapped strips of plastic.
- Cellulite wraps that use herbal ingredients.
However, do body wraps indeed produce results and can help in losing weight, getting rid of toxins from your skin, and reducing the appearance of cellulite?
Let’s look in more detail at what science says about the effectiveness of body wraps.
Can DIY Body Wraps Help Lose Weight?
Weight loss body wraps are one of the most popular reasons why people use DIY body wraps at home. But is there any evidence to support claims of DIY body wraps for weight loss?
According to the journal Integrative Medicine Research, there is some evidence that body wraps can affect weight loss. A study measured abdominal fat in women who used clay body wraps along with aerobic exercise to lose weight. The results were compared with other women who just used aerobic exercise for weight loss. It was found that the group who used body wraps has less subcutaneous fat (the fat that is stored directly under the skin) after a 5-week period.2
Although the weight loss was accompanied by aerobic exercise, skin tightening body wraps seemed to boost weight loss. They also helped to lose more inches from the waist. Even though some of the weight loss may be due to water loss, stomach body wraps helped reduce abdominal fat when used 2 times a week.
However, dermatologist Dr. Elizabeth Tanzi says that usually, the weight-loss effect of body wraps is only temporary. But you will at least look visibly thinner for a few days after a using a body wrap.1
Do Homemade Detox Body Wraps Work?
There is some evidence that DIY body wraps can help as part of a detox program to rid your body of toxins.
Doctors from WebMD say that plastic body wraps have some effect of ridding the body of toxins. The detox effect of clay body wraps is because it makes the skin sweat which leeches impurities from the skin. However, body wraps won’t help to detox your liver or your kidneys.3
If you want to detox your body naturally, you can check out some of these 10 simple ways to detox every day.
What About Skin Tightening Body Wraps and Cellulite?
Body wraps will help your skin look plumper and smoother, but they won’t get rid of the fat cells that cause dimpled skin that are the result of cellulite.
According to Dr. Melissa Conrad Stöppler on MedicineNet, there is no evidence that body wraps that target the buttocks or thighs will cure cellulite.4
However, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try DIY cellulite wraps. Dr. Conrad Stöppler says that the wraps will help decrease fluid retention and improve the overall appearance of skin affected by cellulite.
Body Wraps to Moisturize the Skin
Some body wraps can be helpful to moisturize your skin if you have inflammatory skin conditions like eczema.
Dermatologists say that moisturizing wraps can be applied at home at the first signs of an eczema flare-up. The emollient effect of rich, moisturizing ingredients is better absorbed into the skin and can prevent itching and further inflammation.5
At the end of this article, you can find a recipe for a DIY homemade plastic wrap using coconut oil for eczema.
How to Make the Best Body Wraps at Home
To get the best results at home using DIY body wraps, it’s important to follow a few principles. Body wraps are a great way to boost your detox program or help lose weight quicker, but you have to do a few things to make body wraps more effective.
Use high-quality ingredients. When preparing your own body wrap recipes at home, it’s important to use good ingredients, preferably organic ones. This is why making your own wraps is better than buying ready-prepared ones as you know exactly what is in them.
Exfoliate your skin before applying the body wrap. It’s important to get rid of dead skin cells before using a body wrap for weight loss or detox. Exfoliation boosts the effectiveness of any body wrap and will leave your skin feeling and looking amazing.
Stay well-hydrated. Drinking plenty of fluids will help you avoid the signs of being dehydrated. Dehydration can actually make you put on pounds which will hamper your efforts if you want to lose weight in a few weeks.
Consistency is important for best results with a body wrap for weight loss. Ideally, you should try and use a weight loss body wrap 2 times a week for a month. This will help you see results quickly if you are also on a diet and are exercising to drop extra pounds.
How to Prepare Your Skin for Your DIY Body Wrap
To get the most out of your body wrap, it’s important to prepare your skin well. Exfoliating skin regularly helps to regenerate your skin and renew skin cells. There are a number of excellent natural scrubs you can use to exfoliate. Here is just one that you can use.
Coconut oil and sugar scrub
Here is a recipe to make your own coconut oil and sugar scrub to exfoliate your skin before using a body wrap.
- Mix 1 cup organic cane sugar, 1/4 cup melted coconut oil, and 1/4 cup sweet almond oil.
- Add 10 drops of lemon, lime, and orange essential oil and mix well.
- Put in a glass airtight container.
To use the coconut oil scrub to prepare your skin for a body wrap, this is what you should do:
- Dampen the area of skin where you will apply the body wrap with warm water.
- Take some of the coconut oil scrub and gently exfoliate your skin using circular motions.
- Leave for 5-10 minutes and then rinse off with warm water and pat your skin dry.
- Use the exfoliation scrub 1-2 times a week before you apply the body wrap.
Precautions When Using Body Wraps
There are some precautions when using body wraps. If you are pregnant, you shouldn’t use body wraps as they can increase your core temperature.
However, Dr. Louise Chang on WebMD says that some belly wraps can help you regain your figure after pregnancy. These body wraps can help to tighten your abdominal area and give you a thinner appearance quicker.6
How to Use a Homemade DIY Body Wrap for Weight Loss, Detox, and Cellulite
Before looking at specific DIY body wrap recipes to lose weight, cellulite, and detox your body, here are instructions on how to use body wraps.
- Exfoliate. The first step when applying a body wrap is to always exfoliate your skin beforehand.
- Apply the mixture. Step 2 is to apply a thin layer of the body wrap mixture.
- Wrap tightly. To get the best effect from a weight loss body wrap or a detox wrap, it’s important to wrap tightly with plastic wrap.
- Use elastic bandages. To help keep the body wrap in place and increase your temperature, you could wrap elastic bandages around the plastic wrap. Just remember not to wrap too tightly.
- Sweat it out. Once you have wrapped your problematic areas, you should cover yourself with a warm blanket. Some people also use a heating pad or put on their bathrobe.
- Relax. Next, you need to relax for some time. So, grab your favorite book, light some candles, or put on your favorite relaxing music.
- Let the body wrap go to work for up to an hour. It should take around an hour for your temperature to rise and start sweating out toxins.
- Shower. Before taking a shower to remove the mixture, remove the bandages and plastic wrap. Shower at room temperature.
- Moisturize. The last step in using a DIY body wrap at home is to moisturize your body with your favorite natural moisturizer.
Recipes for Homemade Body Wraps to Lose Weight and Detox
Now that you know how to make your own homemade body wrap and use it, here are some great natural recipes. These recipes for your DIY body wrap use natural ingredients that help you lose weight, detox, and make your skin look wonderful.
When using these homemade body wraps, always follow the 9 steps mentioned above.
Weight loss body wrap recipe
To make a body wrap to lose inches around your waist, you can use a mixture of bentonite clay powder and green tea.
Studies into using bentonite clay to lose belly fat have shown that it can have a marked impact when used in conjunction with aerobic exercise.2
The DIY body wrap for weight loss also includes green tea. Research into the protective properties of green tea has found that it helps to reduce inflammation, destroy toxins on the skin, and improve skin elasticity.7
Recipe for weight loss body wrap:
You will need:
- 1 cup bentonite clay
- 2 cups green tea
- 10 drops lemon essential oil
- Mix all the ingredients together in a bowl to make a fine paste.
- Apply to areas of your body where you need to lose weight and wrap with plastic.
- Use 1-2 times a week for best results to help reduce your waistline.
How to detox with a DIY body wrap
Use a mixture of bentonite clay, apple cider vinegar, and essential oils to make your own detox body wrap.
According to the journal International Geology Review, bentonite clay has antimicrobial properties. Using clay as a face mask or body wrap recipe helps to draw out toxins from the skin.8 Also, apple cider vinegar can be used as an antiseptic on your skin to remove toxins and improve skin tone.
DIY body wrap detox recipe:
You will need:
- 1 cup bentonite clay
- 1 cup raw apple cider vinegar
- 8 drops of lavender essential oil
- Enough water to make a paste
- In a wooden or plastic bowl, mix the clay, apple cider vinegar, and essential oil together.
- Use enough water to create a thick paste.
- Apply to your skin and wrap your skin in a plastic wrap to detox your skin.
Homemade cellulite body wraps
If you need to improve the look of dimply skin that is affected by cellulite, you can make an anti-cellulite mixture with seaweed powder.
The Journal of Cosmetic Science reported that seaweed powder has anti-aging properties. It was found that seaweed applied topically helped to increase skin elasticity and improve the look of skin.9
Recipe for weight loss body wrap:
You will need:
- 1 cup seaweed powder
- 3 tablespoons sweet almond oil
- 1-2 cups of warm coffee
- 4-5 drops of grapefruit essential oils
- Mix the natural ingredients together in a wooden or glass bowl to get a thick paste.
- Apply to your buttocks and upper thighs to improve the appearance of cellulite.
- Follow the instructions on how to use the plastic wrap.
- Use 1-2 a week for a month to help tighten your skin and give your skin a fuller look.
DIY Epsom salt detox body wrap recipe
This detox body wrap recipe that you can make at home includes the healing properties of Epsom salt and nourishing natural oils.
Dr. Carol DerSarkissian on WebMD says that many people use Epsom salts to treat various skin ailments. Although there is no scientific evidence that Epsom salts help the skin, many people say that it has helped them treat their complaints.10 You can also read about how to use an Epsom salt bath for weight loss.
Scientific studies have shown that healing chamomile tea contains antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and can help skin look better.11
How to make a detox body wrap:
You will need:
- 1 cup Epsom salt
- 1-2 cups chamomile tea
- 3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
- 8-10 drops of lavender oil for its antimicrobial effect
- Create a thick paste with the Epsom salt and chamomile tea.
- Add the olive oil, essential oil, and use some more chamomile tea if necessary.
- Apply to your skin and wrap tightly for 40 minutes to help detox your skin.
- Use 1-2 times a week for best results.
Ginger body wrap to boost circulation
Body wraps have more uses than just helping you lose weight and getting rid of toxins. Some body wraps can help to increase circulation.
As well as being a natural antioxidant, ginger has warming properties that can help to reduce joint pain. For example, the Journal of Holistic Nursing reported that topical application of ginger can help to relieve symptoms of osteoarthritis.12
Consuming ginger can also help to lose belly fat because it boosts your metabolism and helps rid your body of toxins.
Recipe for body wrap to improve circulation and reduce joint pain:
You will need:
- 2 tablespoons of grated ginger root or 1/2 teaspoon ginger powder
- 4-5 tablespoons bentonite clay
- Warm water
- Mix the ginger and clay in a glass or wooden bowl.
- Add enough warm water to form a thick paste that won’t drip.
- Apply to the affected area of your body and wrap.
- Leave for 20-30 minutes to help boost circulation.
Because ginger can irritate sensitive skin, always do a patch test first.
Cayenne pepper body wrap for pain relief
Using cayenne pepper in a body wrap is another great way to relieve pain from sore joints.
For example, the British Journal of Anaesthesia reported that capsaicin (the main component of cayenne pepper) can help as a topical pain relief treatment. Cayenne helps to desensitize nerve endings on the skin and can help to relieve pain.13
To make a DIY body wrap for pain relief:
You will need:
- 1-2 tablespoons cayenne pepper (depending on your skin sensitivity, you should adjust the amount)
- 10 tablespoons white clay
- 3-4 drops lavender essential oil
- Warm water
- Mix the dry ingredients together and add the essential oil.
- Form a thick paste by adding enough warm water.
- Apply a thin layer to painful joints and wrap in plastic.
- Leave for 10 minutes to help get rid of sore joints.
Coconut oil body wrap for skin hydration
If you have eczema, then this coconut oil body wrap can be helpful to soothe itchiness and hydrate cracked sore patches of inflamed skin.
Some dermatologists have pointed to the fact that wet body wraps can help to reduce the severity of eczema flare-up. However, some studies point to the fact that wrapping skin affected by eczema may not provide any help.14 Therefore, you should see which method works best for your condition.
How to make a moisturizing body wrap:
You will need:
- 1 cup ground oatmeal
- 3 tablespoons coconut oil (melted)
- Warm water
- 4 drops of one of the best essential oils for eczema like tea tree oil
- A clean old sheet
- Mix the ground oatmeal and melted coconut oil together.
- Add the essential oils and enough warm water so you have a thick mixture.
- Massage the remedy to your patches of eczema.
- Wrap the old sheet around the home remedy and wrap in plastic.
- Leave for 30 minutes to help reduce inflammation on your skin and provide deep moisturizing.
Body wrap recipe for relaxation
You can also pamper yourself and your skin by creating a relaxing body wrap.
This body wrap for relaxation includes chamomile tea, nourishing sweet almond oil, and some relaxing essential oils.
Recipe to a body wrap for relaxation:
You will need:
- 5 chamomile tea bags
- Hot water
- 50 ml sweet almond oil
- 5 drops lavender essential oil and 5 drops bergamot essential oil
- An old sheet cut into strips or bandages
- Fill a large bowl with hot water and place in 5 chamomile tea bags and cover.
- After 10 minutes remove the cover and tea bags and allow to cool so that the liquid is warm.
- Mix in the almond oil and essential oils and stir vigorously.
- Soak the strips of old sheet or bandages into the liquid and wrap around your body.
- Wrap the sheets in plastic and leave for 40 minutes.
- After this time, you should feel refreshed and relaxed.
Awesome all-around body wrap recipe with seaweed powder
This homemade body wrap recipe is a great all-around wrap that can help to keep your skin looking great. It combines seaweed, detoxifying clay, and apple cider vinegar.
All-around body wrap recipe:
You will need:
- 1/2 cup seaweed powder
- 1/2 cup bentonite clay or white clay
- 2 cups of organic, raw apple cider vinegar
- 8-10 drops of lavender or chamomile essential oil (or another essential oil of your choice)
- Mix the dry ingredients in a glass or wooden bowl and add the essential oil.
- Add just enough apple cider vinegar so that you have a thick, fine paste.
- Follow the steps in the above section “How to Use DIY Homemade Body Wrap for Weight Loss, Detox, and Cellulite.”
Read my other related articles:
- 5 Detox Baths to Remove Aches, Pains and Toxins
- How to Make Apple Cider Vinegar Detox Drinks
- How to Use Clay for Body Detox and Great Skin
Scientific Research Referenced in this Article