How to Reduce Cellulite Naturally: Nutrition + Exercises for Toned Legs & Butt

The Best Natural Ways to Get Rid Of Cellulite

The visual appearance of cellulite or ‘orange peel’ look of skin is a common problem for many women. Although people who are overweight have a higher risk of getting cellulite, our weight is not the only factor. People of all ages and sizes are plagued with an orange-peel-like skin (cellulite) that commonly occurs in the thigh region. Cellulite tends to occur on the thighs because this area of the body has more fatty tissue.

Hormones, genetics, toxin build-up, and lifestyle seem to play an important role in the formation of cellulite. The problem lays in an imbalance in the connective tissue and our body’s fat. Many cellulite-reducing treatments on the market which come with a high price tag, don’t give the desired result they promise, and are loaded with exotic chemicals that can do more harm than good to your skin.

The good news: There are ways to reduce cellulite or ‘orange-peel skin’. Nutrition, foam rolling and your motivation to get fit are the keys to toned legs and a firm butt.

Luckily there are some cheap and effective natural cellulite treatment ways to reduce cellulite and help your body improve its shape and get toned legs and a firm butt.

Here are the best ways to reduce cellulite fast.

1. Eating Clean Diet May Help to Improve Thigh Cellulite

Fresh fruits and vegetables are a great way to alkalize your body and get rid of toxins and cellulite on your thighs, legs and butt.

Our western diet is high in protein, sugar and processed foods, all leaving acid-residues in your body. Alkaline forming food sources, like fresh fruits and vegetables, neutralize those acids.

If we don’t meet these needs or are unable to eliminate these build-ups, our body creates extra fat cells to store the acids and make sure the pH of our blood doesn’t change. Eating fresh produce will not only help you to reduce fat cell formation, it fights cellulite and slows the aging process of your body as well.

Dehydration is one of the other culprits of cellulite. Make sure to drink plenty of water to keep your skin smooth, supple, and hydrated. Go easy on coffee and caffeinated teas to avoid more acids and dehydrating effects. Swap refined salt for Celtic or Himalayan Salt, they won’t dehydrate your body or add more toxins to it.

If you are interested in detoxifying your body, you can find more useful information in the e-book The Detox Guide. This guide will teach you how to use detox to cleanse and energize your body naturally and safely.

2. Dry Brush Your Skin Daily to Get Toned Legs

Dry brushing works wonders on treating cellulite, but you have to give it some time, like all anti-cellulite remedies by the way. Dry brushing stimulates lymph and blood circulation, and aids your body to break down its fatty deposits that cause the dimpled appearance of cellulite.

Dry brush your skin daily and make long sweeps towards your heart to eliminate toxins.

Cheap, effective, and done in 5 minutes, dry brushing is not only beneficial to reduce cellulite, it will tighten your skin, get rid of death skin cells, and improve cell renewal.

Dry brushing is also one of the 70 habits featured in my e-book 70 Powerful Habits For A Great Health which will guide you how to take positive steps to improve your wellness and overall health.

Read more about dry brushing (including video) here.

3. Massage May Help to Get rid of Cellulite on Legs, Thighs and Butt

Massage stimulates the lymphatic system and aids your body to eliminate toxins and help reduce thigh and butt cellulite.

One scientific study found that massaging can be helpful to reduce cellulite. It concluded that: “Treatment of cellulite by means of an electro-mechanical skin fold massage apparatus significantly smoothens the structure of the dermis-hypodermis interface.”

Massage stimulates, firms, softens your skin and helps to stretch out cellulite dimples. It restores imbalances and can be very effective when combined with cellulite fighting essential oils like, juniper, fennel, grapefruit, rosemary, and sage.

For your cellulite massage, go for a hydrating carrier or base oil like jojoba, sweet almond or coconut oil. Add 20-30 drops of essential oil to ½ cup carrier oil and massage the affected areas for 10 to 15 minutes a day. For a better effect you could regularly use a deep tissue foam roller.

If you are interested to learn more about essential oils you can find useful information in the e-book Magical Aromatherapy. This book will help you to discover the power of essential oils and the most effective ways to use them.

4. Use a Coffee Scrub to Get Rid of Cellulite on Thighs

A coffee scrub is another very effective way to reduce the appearance of cellulite on legs and thighs. It stimulates lymph and blood flow, and the caffeine has a firming effect on your skin which can help you get toned legs and butt.

One scientific study said that: “As for a cosmetic purpose, caffeine is used as an active compound in anti-cellulite products because it prevents excessive accumulation of fat in cells.”

Make a paste with ¼ cup coffee grinds, 3 tablespoons carrier oil (jojoba, coconut, or sweet almond), and 3 tablespoons brown sugar. Give your skin a good massage and cleanse, and rinse off with warm water. Use 2 to 3 times a week.

5. Omega-3 Fatty Acids Could Naturally Reduce the Appearance of Cellulite

Not all fats are created equally. Consuming the wrong kind of fat may lead to imbalances. Studies show that consuming enough omega-3 fatty acids will help your body to restore its balance and reduce cellulite.

Read here more about the amazing health benefits of omega-3 fish oil.

6. Epsom Salt Detox Bath to Reduce Cellulite Fast

Epsom salt could help to tone and restore your skin, and may help to reduce cellulite in various areas such as thighs, butt and legs.

One scientific study looked at the benefits of bathing in magnesium rich salt (such as Epsom salt). The study concluded that magnesium salt bath could have a lot of skin benefits.

Some people believe Epsom salt is an excellent natural remedy for cellulite, while others find it has little or no effect at all on their cellulite issues.

An Epsom salt bath is not only relaxing, but if you add the right kind of ingredients it helps your body to get rid of toxin build-up in your skin. Epsom salt bath is great way to soothe irritation, boost magnesium levels, and could help reduce cellulite fast.

To make your anti-cellulite bath, fill up your tub with warm water. While the water is running, dissolve ¼ cup Celtic or Himalayan salt, ¼ cup Epsom salt, and ¼ cup baking soda in one quart of boiling water. Pour the salt mixture and 1/3 cup of apple cider vinegar into your tub, and add 10 to 20 drops of your favorite essential oil. Soak for at least 20 minutes. Read here more about the most extraordinary uses for Epsom salt.

7. Exercise Routine to Get Toned Legs & Butt

Weight training can tone the muscles under your skin and cause it to look more tight and firm. This can greatly reduce the appearance of cellulite and helping you to get toned legs and butt.

Many women have cellulite around the thighs and buttocks, so perform exercises that are meant to tone these areas.

For building muscle it’s better to lift heavier weights fewer times, rather than doing a lot of repetitions with lighter weights.

It is best to combine weight training with cardio exercises that get your heart pumping, as it leads to the production of lean muscle mass, which will cause your thighs and buttocks to look smoother over time, so get on the bike or the treadmill.

Here are some of the best exercises to get rid of cellulite and get toned legs. You can also do these exercises to trim your inner thighs.

8. Homemade DIY Body Wraps for Reducing Cellulite

Many people use homemade DIY body wraps if they want to lose weight, detox, or get rid of unsightly cellulite. DIY body wrap recipes include natural ingredients that help to nourish your skin, draw out impurities, and make your skin tighter.

Body wraps will help your skin look plumper and smoother, but they won’t get rid of the fat cells that cause dimpled skin that are the result of cellulite.

However, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try DIY cellulite wraps as they will still help decrease fluid retention and improve the overall appearance of skin affected by cellulite.

You can try some of these homemade DIY body wraps to reduce cellulite and detox your skin.

9. Drink More Water To Get Rid Of Cellulite Fast

Don’t forget to drink enough water and hydrate your body through the day. Drinking water is a great way to reduce cellulite. Drinking water keeps you hydrated, and also helps remove the toxins that can lead to fat accumulation.

10. Use Essential Oils to Reduce Cellulite

Essential oils and massaging can make a contribution to your cellulite-busting plan. They increase blood flow to and from the affected area, reduce your stress, build collagen, help to excrete toxins, boost your metabolism, decrease inflammation, and prevent the storage of excess water.

Here are the best essential oil to reduce cellulite.

Cellulite is a problem that won’t be cured overnight, so don’t give up too soon. Some of these methods can take a few weeks before seeing clear and visible results.

Related articles:

10 Exercises to Tone Your Legs and Butt At Home (With Illustrations)

AmyThis is a guest post written by Amy Goodrich, yogi, health coach, and dedicated blogger who loves living a natural, eco-friendly, and healthy lifestyle. Visit her website and Facebook page

Healthy and Natural World