37 Brilliant Uses of Epsom Salt for Plants, Home and Great Health

Epsom salts, my granny’s secret being rediscovered…
Epsom salts, or magnesium sulfate, is a natural occurring mineral first discovered in a bitter saline spring in Epsom, England. Traditionally used as a bath salt, these days we can find them in many of our beauty and household products. Even gardeners use them to improve their crops.
Magnesium and sulfate both play an essential role for your body’s optimal health. Magnesium plays a major role in over 300 enzyme reactions, reduces inflammation and improves muscle and nerve function. Sulfate is important for the formation of brain tissue and joint proteins, it helps to improve nutrient absorption and flushes toxins.
Did you know that almost half of the Americans have a magnesium and/or sulfate deficiency? And guess what, Epsom salts can help you restore magnesium and sulfate levels in your body. They can easily be absorbed through your skin and that’s why Epsom salt baths became so popular over the years.
But that’s not all, keep reading and discover how Epsom salts can aid you in your daily life.
Epsom Salt Bath to Boost your Magnesium and Sulfate levels and Detox your Body
Soaking in an Epsom salt bath is one of the easiest external ways to boost your magnesium and sulfate levels and detox your body. Research studies have shown that magnesium is more easily absorbed through your skin then via your digestive tract.
Just add 2 cups to your bath water and soak for at least 15 minutes, 3 times a week, to reap the benefits. Do not use soap as it will negatively interfere with the salts.
To enhance relaxation add lavender essential oil as well.
Benefits of adding Epsom salts to your bath tub:
• Boost magnesium and sulfate levels
• Improved circulation and heart health.
• Improved ability for the body to use insulin
• Eliminates harmful toxins
• Relieves body aches
• Improved nerve function
• Natural stress-reliever, binds serotonin which creates a feeling of well-being and relaxation.
• Reduced pain and muscle cramps
• Improved absorption of nutrients
• Reduce swelling of sprains, bruises and can be used to treat boils.
• Prevent or ease headaches
• Soften your skin
• Soothe itchy and sunburned skin
• Helps you and your children to sleep better
Foot-hand Epsom Salt Soak to Relieve Gout, Treat Toenail Fungus and Much More
Add ½ cup of Epsom salt to a large bowl and soak your feet or hands for about 20 minutes to:
• Soothe aches
• Remove odors
• Soften rough skin
• Draw out splinters
• Relieve tired feet
• Relieve Athlete’s foot
• Treat toenail fungus
• Ease gout
For more information read our article about the health benefits of Epsom salt bath and foot soak.
Epsom Salts For White Teeth
Combine 1 part Epsom salt with one part water, mix well and brush your teeth and gargle with the mixture to:
• Whiten your teeth
• Fight periodontal diseases
To get more ideas how to whiten your teeth, have a look at the article 13 natural methods for teeth whitening.
Exfoliator For Rough Skin using Epsom Salt
Combine 2 parts of oil (olive oil, sweet almond oil, jojoba oil are all good options) with 1 part Epsom salt. Use the scrub on your face, hands and/or body while making circular movements and rinse with warm water. Repeat regularly and be patient. This process will take some time before any visible effects are obtained:
• Soften your skin
• Remove death cells
• Remove blackheads
• Break down callus
• Improve absorption of your skin care products
Epsom Salts And Hair Care
Mix equal parts of natural conditioner and Epsom salt. Apply on your hair and leave on for 20 minutes. Rinse well and let air dry.
• Thicker hair with more volume
• Softer hair
• Treats dry or greasy hair
Epsom Salt is a Laxative – Internal Use for Constipation
Dissolve 1 teaspoon in water and drink.
Epsom salts can, occasionally, help you with constipation. But before you start using Epsom salts internally, make sure to check with your doctor first. You can find here more natural remedies for constipation.
Epsom Salts Around Your house
Epsom salts are not only great for your health… but they are wonderful for many application in your house and garden as well.
Epsom Salt Tile cleaner
Make a paste like scrub, and soap scum on your tile will be history in no time. To whiten your floor tiles mix ½ cup Epsom salt to a gallon of warm sudsy water and scrub with a brush. Rinse with clear water and be amazed by the result.
You can also create effective cleaning products using essential oils. You can find all the information in the e-book Magical Arometherapy.
Keep Raccoons out of your garbage using Epsom salt
Instead of laying down dangerous poison that can be ingested by your kids or pets, try Epsom salts to keep raccoons naturally out of your garden.
Just sprinkle salt on the garbage lid and encircle the environment as well and those raccoons will search another place to feast.
Epsom Salt is an Excellent Fertilizer
Especially roses, palm trees and tomatoes are a huge fan of Epsom salts. Just work some Epsom salts into the soil during blooming and your plant will produce beautiful and long lasting flowers or fruits.
Or add Epsom salts regularly to your watering routine to boost flavor, color and size.
Mix 1 tablespoon to a gallon water and sprinkle and soak each plant.
For a greener, lush lawn, mix 2 tablespoons to every gallon used to water your lawn. This will also keep slugs and other insects and weeds under control
Where to Buy Epsom Salt
Epsom salts can be found in most drug stores, pharmacies, grocery stores, or online here.
More Ingenious Epsom Salt Uses
As you can see, adding Epsom salts on a regular basis to your life provides many health benefits, but if you are pregnant or have any severe health concern, please check with your doctor before using them.
Here are more Epsom salt uses:
- The Best Uses For Epsom Salt In Your Garden
- How to Make Epsom Salt Bath for Weight Loss (The Ultimate Guide)
This is a guest post written by Amy Goodrich, yogini and dedicated blogger who loves living a natural, eco-friendly and healthy lifestyle. Visit her website http://www.body-in-balance.org and Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/bodyinbalance.org