Category Archives: Health

Effective Home Remedies for Lice (Based on Evidence)

Home Remedies for Lice

Most parents dread the news that there is an outbreak of head lice at their children’s school. Even worse, is if the teachers tell you that your child has head lice. It is not just parents who feel embarrassed, it can also be distressing for children. In this article I am going to look at the best and most effective home remedies for lice that are based on research.

High Cortisol Levels: Symptoms, Causes and How to Lower it (Evidence Based)

High Cortisol Levels: Warning Signs and How to Lower it

Cortisol is the main stress hormone in your body that helps control your mood, fear, and motivation. High cortisol levels can cause weight gain, mood swings, high blood pressure, digestive problems, and fatigue. Although the cause of high cortisol is often stress, elevated cortisol levels can be caused by adrenal gland problems or medication.

15 Best Natural Ways To Relieve Mosquito Bites

15 Best Natural Ways To Relieve Mosquito Bites

One of the common summer nuisances is itching and scratching like mad due to mosquito bites. While mosquito bites are usually harmless, occasionally they can cause redness, soreness, itching and swelling. Mosquito bites are caused by female mosquitoes that inject saliva into your skin. The proteins in the saliva trigger a mild immune system reaction which results in itchy bumps on your skin.

In this article you can find some of the common and most-effective natural ways for relieve and treat mosquito bites, and some of them can be easily found at your home.

The Most Likely Symptoms of a Gallbladder Problem (Don’t Ignore Them)

The Most Likely Symptoms of a Gallbladder Issue

Most symptoms of gallbladder problems involve intense pain in the upper right abdomen that lasts for a few hours. Although gallstones are frequently to blame for gallbladder disease symptoms, there are also other reasons why you can have problems with your gallbladder. Inflammation, infections, or growths on the gallbladder can all cause shoulder pain, chest pain, nausea, and changes to your bowel habits.

The Top 10 Causes of Premature Aging of Your Face and Skin

The Top 10 Causes for Premature Aging of Your Face

It happens one day. We look at ourselves in the mirror and suddenly notice a new wrinkle or age spot on the skin that hasn’t been there before. Our skin serves many purposes, and our facial skin is especially exposed and stands at the forefront, hence it is so prone to evident damage. What causes our facial skin to age and what can you do about it?

Water on Most U.S. Airlines Is Unsafe, Says Study: Avoid Coffee, Tea and Even Washing Your Hands

Have you noticed that some flight attendants don’t drink hot water during a flight? You may think that this is because they’re on duty. But you may be surprised to learn that some flight attendants never drink tea, coffee or hot water onboard an airplane.

Science Explains Why Eating Makes You Feel Sleepy or Tired & How to Fix it Quickly

Common Causes for Feeling Tired or Sleepy After Eating (Science Based)

Feeling tired or sleepy after eating a meal is something that most of us have experienced. After we finish a large lunch or dinner, feelings of drowsiness and fatigue can make us want to go for a nap. Is feeling sleepy or tired after finishing a large meal something to worry about?

8 Habits That Could Damage Your Brain (According to Research)

8 Dangerous Brain Damaging Habits to Avoid

Your brain is one of the most important organs in your body. As we all know, our lifestyle habits affect our general health. For example, when a person doesn’t get enough exercise and overeats, he / she will put on weight. If you have a stressful day at work, you may come home with a headache. There are also many damaging habits that can affect the brain. Unfortunately, we rarely immediately feel the effects of these bad habits that can damage the brain.

Here’s What Getting Less Than 7 Hours of Sleep a Night Can Do to You

side effects from missing sleep

The effects of sleep deprivation can have serious consequences on your health. A lack of sleep can cause weight gain, high blood pressure, heart disease, and mood swings. One of the dangers of sleep deprivation is that a lack of sleep can make you sick. Not getting adequate sleep can even increase your risk of diseases such as cancer, and can lead to premature death.

Healthy and Natural World