Category Archives: Food & Nutrition

Chamomile Tea Benefits and How to Use It for Great Health (Science Based)

Chamomile Tea Benefits and How to Use It for Great Health

For centuries, people have been drinking chamomile tea for its delicious flavor and relaxing properties. In fact, it is the first choice of many people as a refreshing drink before going to bed. It is reckoned that over 1 million cups of chamomile tea are consumed every day! However, studies show that there is more to chamomile tea than just being an enjoyable drink and in fact chamomile tea has a lot of health benefits and you can use it to for a great health.

Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Honey (Raw, Pure, Natural) + Turmeric Golden Honey Recipe

Evidence Based Health Benefits of Honey (Raw, Pure, Natural)

Raw honey is an excellent ingredient to add to your diet. The health benefits of consuming pure raw honey include strengthening your immunity, improving digestive health, and preventing heart disease. Honey can also benefit your health if you regularly drink honey water.

Sweet Potatoes and Their Anti-Cancer Properties (According to Studies)

sweet potatoes benefits

Sweet potatoes are one of the healthiest vegetables you can eat. The many health benefits of sweet potatoes come from the fact that they are packed full of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Far from being a fattening food, sweet potatoes can even help you lose weight. In fact, eating sweet potatoes is great for your heart health, eyesight, digestion, and brain.

Cardiac Diet: Proven Heart Healthy Foods to Include in Your Diet

Cardiac Diet: Proven Heart Healthy Foods to Include in Your Diet

The cardiac diet is a healthy eating plan that includes foods that benefit your heart’s health. Foods that are healthy for your heart are full of nutrients, minerals, fiber, vitamins, and healthy fats. These heart-healthy foods could prevent the buildup of cholesterol and strengthen your cardiovascular health.

Chia Seeds: Health Benefits & Nutrition Facts Based on Science

Chia Seeds: Health Benefits & Nutrition Facts Based on Science

Chia seeds are extremely healthy edible seeds that are full of fiber, nutrients, and high levels of omega-3 fatty acids. Chia seeds are rightly classed as a superfood because of their many health benefits. Soaking chia seeds allows them to absorb up to 15 times their weight in water. Consuming soaked or raw chia seeds can improve your digestion, help lower blood glucose levels, and assist in weight loss.

Super Immune Boosting Delicious Smoothie You Need to Drink Right Now

The Ultimate Anti-inflammatory Smoothie

While inflammation is a natural protective mechanism and repair of the body to overcome tissue injury, allergy or ongoing stress, in chronic conditions the body keeps trying unsuccessfully to turn off the inflammation. Chronic inflammation is nowadays linked to many diseases and is known for worsening their symptoms. One explanation is that inflammation causes the process and accelerated aging, as well as increases the risk of coronary diseases, strokes and possibly cancer. The inflammation causes accelerated erosion and rifts within the body by increasing oxidative activity.

Proven Health Benefits of Dates (Dried, Fresh, Medjool) – Science Based

The Amazing Health Benefits of Dates

Dates are a very sweet, tasty fruit that are packed full of goodness with many health benefits. Consuming dates is good for your digestive health, keeping your heart healthy, and boosting your cognitive function. Eating dates in moderation can also help you lose weight because they contain a lot of fiber and can help you cut back on refined sugar.

Proven Health Benefits and Uses of Thyme and Thyme Tea

Proven Health Benefits and Uses of Thyme and Thyme Tea

Thyme is a tasty herb with therapeutic properties that has many health benefits. Thyme tea can help to lower blood pressure, clear up respiratory infections, soothe a hacky cough, and lower anxiety. Your skin can also benefit from using thyme essential oil to clear infections and treat the symptoms of acne.

How to Make Lavender Lemonade to Help Get Rid of Headaches and Anxiety (Evidence Based)

Lavender Lemonade for Headaches and Anxiety

Lavender is a well-known healing herb that helps soothe away tension, headaches, and stress. One effective way to use lavender for its amazing healing properties is in homemade lemonade. You can combine the therapeutic action of lavender with lemon to make lemonade for anxiety and stress.

Healthy and Natural World