How to Use Rosehip Oil for Your Face, Skin and Hair

How to Use Rosehip Oil for Your Face, Skin and Hair

With many emerging health benefits, the popularity of rosehip seed oil is on the rise. Rosehip oil can benefit your face, skin and hair. It is most commonly known for being full of vitamins, essential fatty acids and antioxidants, which can help hydrate the skin, correct dark spots, relieve itchy skin, and reduce the appearance of fine lines, scars and acne.

Rosehip seed oil is made from rose bush seeds that are most commonly found in Chile. It is extracted using a cold-pressed method that separates the oil from the seeds and hips.

The following is a list of some of the incredible health benefits using rosehip oil could bring you.

The Health Benefits of Rosehip Oil

Rosehip to Reverse Skin Aging

Because it is high in free-radical fighting antioxidants, rosehip oil can be used to reverse skin aging. Most people use rosehip oil on their face because it penetrates deep into the skin for protection.

As a natural source of the antioxidant lycopene, rosehip oil improves the texture of skin and protects against premature aging. It contains beta-carotene to reduce the appearance of skin aging by eliminating free-radical damage.

Rosehip oil is also high in vitamin C, a natural skin anti-aging agent. Vitamin C is needed to produce collagen, a naturally occurring protein found in the body that supports elasticity and flexibility of the skin.

Vitamin C increases the synthesis of collagen by acting at a level other than hydroxylation1, the chemical process that combines an organic compound with a hydroxyl group. Vitamin C is responsible for inducing these reactions. In order words, it’s the fuel needed to start the collagen-synthesis engine.

Rosehip oil also contains vitamin A, which is essential for healthy skin and reduces fine lines and wrinkles.

You can also combine rosehip with other oils for skincare or add a few drops of essential oils for healthy skin. You can also add a few drops of rosehip to this ultimate anti wrinkle, anti aging essential oil blend.

Rosehip Against Sun Damage

One reason why skin wrinkles and marks appear is because of over-exposure to the sun – it is one of the top 10 causes of premature aging of your face. The sun’s UV rays may also cause spots on the face that result in wrinkles or discoloration. The antioxidants in rosehip oil seem to repair damages while the essential fatty acid content improves skin tone, pigmentation and texture.

Being in the sun too long can also damage collagen production. Collagen levels drop as you age. But the vitamin C content in rosehip oil can help restore collagen production to normal.

Rosehip oil is also a natural source of vitamin E, which has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that calms and hydrates sensitive and dry skin, including sun damaged skin. Vitamin E is also one of the top nutrients for a gorgeous skin.

Rosehip Improves Facial Rosacea

Facial rosacea is a condition that is characterized by spots of redness on the cheeks, chin, nose and forehead. They typically begin after the age of 30 and may also pop up on the neck, scalp, chest or ears. If left untreated, the redness becomes more pronounced over time. In severe cases, the facial redness may develop into swollen and bumpy skin due to excess tissue.

Rosehip oil is deeply moisturizing to soothe the appearance of redness and irritation. The antioxidant content may also help combat facial flushing, persistent redness, bumps and pimples, and visible blood vessels.

For more ideas on how to get rid of rosacea read my article about the best natural remedies for rosacea.

Rosehip for Treatment of Scars

Essential fatty acids may help improve the appearance of scars and marks on skin. They may also be able to promote skin regeneration, which can help new skin growth.

Rosehip oil is a natural source of omega 3, 6, and 9 fatty acids, which help repair and regenerate damaged skin while reducing the appearance of scars.

As emollients, essential fatty acids improve flexibility and permeability of the skin. They also help repair skin distress. The vitamin A content in rosehip oil also helps improve scar tissue with its ability to improve skin tone and texture.

For more information on how to naturally treat scars read these articles:

How to Use Rosehip Oil For Maximum Results

Rosehip oil needs to be refrigerated or stored in a dry, cool place as it will become rancid otherwise. To help keep rosehip oil fresh, consider adding pure vitamin E oil to the mixture to extend the shelf life. Your rosehip oil will probably have vitamin E added to it so make sure to check the label and look for Vitamin E or Tocopherol.

Rosehip oil has a lot of uses and here are a few quick ideas on how to use it.

  • The mixture can be applied directly to the face using a gentle massaging motion.
  • You can also use rosehip oil in homemade skin care recipes.
  • Applying the oil twice per day should be enough but be sure to let the oil absorb into the skin.
  • Rosehip oil does not work as protection against the sun’s rays, so be sure to use sunscreen if going out.

Rosehip oil can also be used on brittle hair or nails, and as a make-up remover. Using a cotton pad, gently rub the oil over your eyelids and other areas where make-up was applied. You can also apply a few drops of rosehip oil to your favorite moisturizer or toner for soft skin.

Here is more detailed information on how to use rosehip seed oil:

Rosehip Oil for Acne

Almost everyone suffers an acne outbreak at some point in their life – some more often or in a more extensive form than others.

Avoid using rosehip oil directly on acne as this may cause irritation. If you suffer from acne, dilute it with other oils such as jojoba and add a few drops of my essential oils for acne such as tea tree oil, lavender, lemon, geranium, patchouli and rosemary.

Here is a great recipe for a homemade mix containing essential oils and rosehip oil for acne:


  • 1 tablespoon of your preferred carrier oil (jojoba oil, sweet almond, coconut oil…)
  • 1 tablespoon of rosehip oil
  • 3 drops frankincense essential oil (if you have difficulty getting this one, you can replace it with patchouli or geranium oil)
  • 3 drops lavender essential oil
  • 3 drops tea tree essential oil


Pour the carrier oil, the rosehip oil and the essential oils into a small glass bottle. Shake gently to mix all the oils.

Apply 2 to 3 drops every evening and massage into the skin.

Note: This recipe also works with red marks and scars left after an acne outbreak, and can be tried on stretch marks, too.

Rosehip for Brittle Nails

If you suffer from brittle nails make sure that, it is not due to an undiagnosed medical conditions as there are 11 health warnings your fingernails may be sending.

Use rosehip oil on brittle nails to restore hydration and strength. Massage the oil directly into your nails at night before going to bed by using your fingertips or a Q-tip. Be sure to let the mixture dry before climbing into bed.

Use Rosehip to Shine Up Dull Hair

Rosehip oil contains vitamins A, C, and E, which can help put the shine back in dull hair. Warm up some rosehip oil and massage it into hair, leave it for 30 minutes before washing with regular shampoo. Rosehip oil may also be able to reduce dandruff by using this application method. You can also combine it with coconut oil which has many health benefits for your hair.

Rosehip Moisturizer

Because of its high vitamin, antioxidant and essential fatty acid content, rosehip oil makes a great, chemical-free skin moisturizer.

You can make your own skin moisturizer by applying a few drops on your skin or by adding a few drops of rosehip oil to some coconut oil and applying to dry skin. As coconut oil is antibacterial, some people may even use this mixture to improve irritated skin.

Rosehip for Sunburn

Although rosehip oil will not protect you from sun burn, it can soothe a minor sunburn. Rosehip oil is an anti-inflammatory, so you should feel immediate relief when rubbing the oil directly on the burn. You can also use my other natural homemade minor burn treatments.

Read these related articles:
1. Turmeric face mask recipe for glowing skin, acne, rosacea, eczema and dark Circles
2. Why you should wash your face with Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)
3. How to use rice water for gorgeous hair and skin

Healthy and Natural World