How To Lose 10 Pounds In A Week: 7 Day Diet Plan (Science-Based)

How To Lose 10 Pounds In A Week: 7 Day Diet Plan

It is possible to lose 10 pounds in just one week with an effective 7-day diet plan. Rapid weight loss in one week can help you kick-start a long-term diet plan if you need to lose weight for health reasons or to get rid of excess body weight. Usually, losing weight in 7 days will result in a loss of mostly water weight. However, this can help get your weight down quickly as you aim to shed body fat in the following weeks and months.

Any effective diet plan to lose extra body weight fast should include exercise programs to burn fat and lifestyle changes to help keep weight off. These lifestyle changes for quick weight loss will help you lose weight safely and for the long term. Your 7-day diet plan will help you learn good habits to use as you continue your weight-loss program.

Having the goal to lose 10lbs, 20lbs, or 30lbs in a short space of time is a good goal, especially as being overweight or obese has related health issues. However, losing such a lot of weight so quickly could also cause other unnecessary health complications. A 7-day diet plan to lose 10 pounds in a week will mostly result in losing water weight. After that, you should concentrate on making good choices to help lose body fat in a gradual, calculated way.

In this article, you will find a detailed, research based, and comprehensive diet plan to help you lose up to 10 pounds in a week. These science-based methods will help you lose weight fast and develop good habits to help you lose weight and keep it off.

Is It Possible to Lose 10 Pounds in One Week?

With an effective diet plan and exercising, it is really possible to lose 10 pounds in just one week.

To make sure you lose weight safely, it’s important that any diet plan – whether that is a 7-day plan or a 30-day diet plan for rapid weight loss – should not restrict nutrients that your body needs. It’s good to remember that you didn’t gain 10lbs in 7 days and it’s not reasonable to assume that you can lose 10lbs of pure body fat in 7 days.

So, how is it possible to lose 10 pounds in one week? According to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, most of the initial weight that a person loses by reducing calorie intake is water weight.

Researchers say that glycogen is the storage form of carbohydrates in your body which requires water to be stored by the body. When you start on a diet to restrict calorie intake, your body weight reduces because of glycogen stores and water being depleted.1

The study found that a person can lose up to 11lbs (5 kg) of body weight in a short space of time without losing any body fat. In fact, some participants in the study were able to lose up to 16lbs (7.4 kg) of glycogen and water weight in the space of just four days!

However, regarding very low-calorie diets that result in losing lots of pounds in a week or so, the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition also reported that there can be a tendency to quickly regain weight.

Therefore, it’s important that a 7-day diet plan is only used to lose weight quickly at the start of your program. After that, to keep weight off, you should develop effective lifestyle habits that continue to burn body fat through dieting and exercising.

To lose 10 pounds in a week, you need a robust and effective 7-day diet plan. Here are effective ways to help you lose as much as 10lbs in 7 days or less.

How to Lose 10 Pounds in 7 Days: Effective Ways to Lose Weight Quickly (Evidence Based)

Lower calorie intake to quickly lose 10 pounds in a week

The best way to lose 10 pounds in a week is to make sure your diet plan to lose weight fast greatly reduces your daily calorie intake.

Calories represent an energy source for your body, and any unused calories are stored in the body as body fat or water weight. To lose as much as 10lbs in a short space of time, you need to both reduce portion size and swap foods high in calories for healthier choices. This means limiting saturated fats and eating more fruits and vegetables.

By consuming fewer calories every day, you will notice a change in your waistline and your health in general. Many doctors agree that saturated fats pile on the pounds and also cause many cardiovascular problems.

What are healthy food swaps you can make if you want to lose up to 10lbs in a week or two? To lose as much as 20lbs in a few weeks, here are some healthy food swaps doctors from the National Health Service recommend to help you lose weight:2

  • Instead of white bread and pasta, choose wholegrain types.
  • If you eat meat, choose leaner cuts of meat like turkey, chicken breast, and “choice” sirloin beef.
  • Choose tomato-based and vegetable sauces rather than creamy cheese sauces on wholegrain pasta or fish dishes.
  • Drink more green tea for weight loss and drop sugar-laden sodas.
  • Try some alternative dairy products that are rich in calcium but low in fat.

The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute recommends reducing your daily calorie intake by 500 to 750 calories per day if you want to lose weight and keep it off.30

Lose weight faster by changing your eating habits

If you are determined to lose 10 or 20 pounds fast and keep the weight off, then it’s important to change your eating habits.

Effective rapid weight loss and being able to keep the weight off is only possible by learning good positive habits when it comes to food. This can help you continue losing weight long after your initial drop in body weight in the first seven days of dieting.

Dr. Arefa Cassobhoy on WebMD recommends drinking a 16-oz. glass of water before every meal. This recommendation to help boost the speed a person loses weight was based on a study of the effects of drinking water and obesity. It was observed that obese individuals who drank a large glass of water 30 minutes before their meal were able to lose weight faster.3

Another effective tweak for safe weight loss is to start your day with protein. Great sources of protein that keep you feeling fuller for longer are eggs, lean meat, milk or nuts. You might be surprised at the health benefits you can enjoy if you have eggs for your breakfast regularly. A protein-rich breakfast will give you plenty of energy and prevent you snacking before lunchtime. This will help you lose weight quicker in a 1 or 2-week weight loss plan.

Another way to boost the effectiveness of your seven-day diet plan is to be careful as to when and why you eat. The Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine reported that weight gain is often associated with emotional eating. Very often, eating in response to emotional triggers is one of the causes for individuals to put on weight and become obese.4

If you find it difficult to avoid eating when you are feeling down or depressed, then please read my article on how to conquer the pitfalls of emotional eating. Some ways to do this is to get the proper amount of fiber and protein in your diet, get enough sleep at nighttime, and try to eliminate anxiety and stress.

Lose up to 10 pounds in a week by eating small frequent meals

If you need to lose 10 pounds fast, then eating small frequent meals throughout the day may help increase your chances of losing weight.

Some studies point to the fact that having smaller meals frequently throughout the day can help reduce body fat. The journal Nutritional Reviews stated that this method has helped many overweight people to lose weight.5

However, this may not work for everyone. The journal Obesity reported that the most important factor in losing weight and keeping your body weight down is your daily calorie intake. So, whether you eat 3 meals a day or 6 small meals a day, keep an eye on the overall number of calories you consume.6

Limit portion size to speed up weight loss in 7 days

To be able to lose 10 pounds in a week, it is very important to limit portion size and be aware of how much you eat at every meal.

You might be surprised at how much weight you can lose in a week without much effort just by eating smaller meals. For example, the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that calorie intake was reduced by as much as 30% just by eating smaller lunches.7

As well as reducing portion sizes to help boost your weight loss plan, you should think about the types of food that you consume. For example, the journal Obesity recommends eating more low-density energy sources and consuming less high-density energy foods. Therefore, to lose weight quicker, you should have more vegetables and lean protein on your plate and cut out fatty foods.6

To help control portions if you want to lose weight in a week or two, you could try using a portion control plate.

Reduce carbs for speedy weight loss and drop 10 pounds in a week

Eating too much unhealthy carbs can make you fat so you should consume less unhealthy carbohydrates to lose weight.

Unhealthy carbohydrates include simple carbohydrates that have been refined. Some examples are foods made from white, refined flour like white bread, pasta, cakes, pastries and so forth. Added sugar is also a simple carbohydrate. Low-carb diets have a proven efficiency in helping to lose weight fast as well as other health benefits.

When you think about cutting out carbs to lose weight, you should remember that not all carbohydrates are unhealthy. Complex carbohydrates consist of foods like wholegrain bread, whole-wheat pasta, brown rice, vegetables, beans, and fruits.

In an article on WebMD entitled “Good carbs, bad carbs: Why Carbohydrates Matter to You”, Dr. Kathleen Zelman says that food containing fiber is necessary for a well-balanced diet. These food sources help control weight and can even lower your risk of cardiovascular disease and colon cancer.8

Avoid sugar and junk food to lose 10 pounds in a week

If you really want to lose weight in a short space of time, it’s essential to avoid processed foods and foods that have added sugar.

Many studies have pointed to the fact that consuming junk food and drinks high in sugar content is associated with growing levels of obesity and an increased body mass index.9

Junk food often contains high amounts of sugar, unhealthy fats, and contain little nutritional value. Consuming processed foods and sugary sodas will make it very difficult to lose a lot of weight in a short space of time.

For example, Dr. Laura Martin on WebMD says that sugar consumption is connected with excess weight. So, cutting out sugary foods and sodas can help a person lose weight quickly and also provide many extra health benefits.10

Drink more water to lose weight fast

A very simple way to lose 10 pounds fast is to drink more water.

In this article I have already highlighted the benefit of drinking a glass of water before every meal. However, increased daily water intake can also help you lose weight fast.

The Journal of Natural Science reported that drinking around 1.5 liters of water a day can help a person reduce body fat, overall body weight, and decrease body mass index (BMI). In fact, the researchers said that increased water intake can help obese individuals drop body weight quicker.11

Drinking more water to lose weight has other health benefits. For example, drinking water is one of the best ways to detox your liver and flush out toxins. You can also keep your kidneys healthy naturally and prevent infections. So, why not try one of my great calorie-free flavored waters for weight loss to help boost your dieting efforts?

Lifestyle Changes that Help Lose Weight Quickly in a Week

To make sure that your efforts to lose 10lbs in a week are effective and you don’t pile on the pounds after, it’s important to make certain lifestyle changes. An effective 7-diet plan for rapid weight loss needs to be backed up by positive changes to your daily activities.

Here are 4 positive changes that you can make to your lifestyle to help lose more weight faster.

1. Keep active to lose weight fast

Any effective weight loss plan to lose weight in 30 days or in 7 days needs to incorporate physical activity.

To help lose weight fast, it’s important to stay active throughout the day. The journal Mayo Clinic Proceedings reported that even small actions can increase daily energy expenditure. It was found that non-exercised activity thermogenesis, or NEAT, can help to increase calorie expenditure. The study suggested that obese individuals could benefit from NEAT movements to help reduce body mass index and protect a person from heart disease.

The journal Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism reported that NEAT can include things like walking to work, typing, doing yard work, or even fidgeting.13 Here are a few ideas to help incorporate NEAT into your daily activities and help burn fat quicker:

  • Pace when talking on the phone.
  • Take the stairs rather than the elevator.
  • Carry your groceries rather than take a cart.
  • Alternate which leg you stand on when you have to wait in line.
  • Sit on a large ball at home to help tone your core and burn some more calories.

2. Sleep to help lose 10lbs quickly

Plenty of sleep is essential if you have the goal to lose 10 pounds of body fat or more in 7 days.

According to Dr. Melinda Ratini, a lack of sleep is associated with obesity and weight gain. Dr. Ratini says that you have fewer cravings to eat high-carb snacks when you are well-rested. Sleep also helps to reduce fat by balancing your hormones and increase your metabolism naturally.

Of course, a stress and daily anxieties can make falling asleep difficult. To help improve your nighttime rest and stop fat building up in your body, there are some ideas to help you lose up to 10lbs in 7 days:

  • Don’t watch TV or work at a computer for at least 60 minutes before going to sleep.
  • Try to wake up and go to bed at the same time every day (yes, even on the weekends!).
  • Avoid stimulants like alcohol, coffee, or chocolate an hour before going to bed.
  • Sleep in a dark room.

3. Eliminate stress to drop excess pounds quicker

Eliminating stress will help you drop 10 pounds of body weight in a week much quicker.

Stress can play havoc with your hormones and also increase the desire to binge eat. Dr. William Blahd on WebMD says that stress causes cortisol levels to spike in the body which results in cravings for “comfort” foods. Stress can also increase your risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, or having high blood pressure.

In order to help increase the effectiveness of your diet plan and reduce stress, Dr. Blahd recommends some of the following ways:

You will find more helpful ideas on eliminating stress in my article on the 14 best ways to get rid of stress naturally.

4. Stay motivated to lose weight in a week and keep it off

Possibly, one of the most important factors in losing a lot of weight fast and then keeping it off is to stay motivated.

According to doctors from the Mayo Clinic, long-term weight loss through a diet plan and exercising are only possible by making permanent changes. This means changing your eating habits for good and sticking to positive lifestyle choices.15

To help keep your motivation strong to help you through the highs and lows of losing weight, here are some of the suggestions from doctors at the Mayo Clinic:

  • Make a solid commitment to your weight-loss program.
  • Develop a network of trusted friends who will support you to boost your inner motivation.
  • Keep your goals realistic when it comes to losing weight in a specific time period.
  • Don’t give up if you have a setback.

Exercise to Lose 10 Pounds in 7 Days

To make sure and lose 10 pounds in a week, it is important to get regular exercise to burn off calories. Apart from getting rid of a lot of weight quickly, exercising has many benefits to your heart and it boosts your blood circulation.

To help quickly get rid of the extra weight that you carry around your belly, thighs, arms or face, here are some of the best exercises to incorporate into your seven-day diet plan.

Walk to get rid of excess weight in a week

To shed extra pounds of body fat after your initial weight loss, increase the amount of walking that you do every day.

According to the International Journal of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders, walking for just 30 minutes a day for 5 days of the week can help lose weight quicker.16

You might be surprised at how easy it is to increase the number of steps you take every day.

If you want to start seeing results within a week while losing weight, you should increase your daily steps to 10,000 a day. To find out how many calories you can burn in a day by walking, please check out my article on how walking can help burn body fat. You will also notice that your face appears thinner as well.

Some ways to help start losing pounds in a matter of days by walking more are:

  • Get off the bus a few stops early or park your car further from your destination.
  • Take the stairs rather than the elevator or get off a few floors early and walk the rest.
  • Go for a brisk walk at lunchtime.

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) exercises to lose weight fast

High-intensity interval exercises are a great way to lose up to 10lbs in a week and can help to burn calories more efficiently.

HIIT exercising involves short bursts of high-intensity exercises followed by short intervals of active resting. For example, you could sprint as fast as you can for 30 seconds then do a light jog for 30 seconds and then repeat the hard sprint. You continue alternating between high-intensity and gentle resting as much as you can manage.

Many studies have shown that HIIT is even more effective than regular exercising. The Journal of Obesity reported that HIIT exercising can help to get rid of body fat quicker. HIIT also increases your aerobic and anaerobic fitness and has many health benefits including improving cardiovascular health and reducing blood pressure.17

To learn more about the benefits of HIIT, please read my article on how to train using HIIT exercises for faster weight loss.

Lift weights as part of 7-day diet plan to lose weight faster

Another way to get rid of a tremendous number of calories and burn fat in seven days is to lift weights.

The benefits of weightlifting as part of a diet plan are two-fold:

  • You burn off more calories and thus reduce body fat quickly and safely.
  • You build muscle mass which, in turn, burns more calories.

Various studies have reported that heavy resistance training using weights or resistance bands helps increase muscle metabolism. This increase in your resting metabolic rate will also help to burn calories when resting.17

As a precaution, before starting a program of intense weightlifting, you should consult with a medical professional to have your health assessed and a suitable program developed for you.

Other ways to lose 10lbs in a week

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that other ways to boost physical activity and help drop pounds quicker are:18

  • Taking brisk walks frequently.
  • Cycling regularly.
  • Actively playing with children.
  • Doing yard work.

7-Day Diet Plans for Rapid Weight Loss

There are a few specific diets that can help you lose up to 10lbs in 7 days. Here are some of these.

Ketogenic (keto) diet for fast weight loss in a week

Restricting your intake of carbs can help to increase your body’s potential to burn fat quicker. In fact, results from ketogenic diets are often seen very quickly.

A keto diet is well known for being a low carb diet. It’s referred to as many different names – ketogenic diet, low carb diet, or low carb high fat diet (LCHF).

According to the journal Experimental & Clinical Cardiology, a low-carb diet can help to quickly lose weight in obese individuals and reduce their body mass index.19

When undertaking a low-carb diet, it’s important to remember that not all carbohydrates are bad for you. Many healthy sources of carbs such as whole grains contain healthy amounts of fiber, B-group vitamins, minerals like magnesium, and other nutrients that a healthy body needs for energy.

Intermittent fasting to reduce weight in a week

Intermittent fasting can help to reduce weight in a week and help you see quick but sustained results from your weight loss program.

Intermittent fasting involves reducing your calorie intake during a short period and eating normally at other times. One popular diet is the 5:2 diet that involves restricting calorie intake to around 600 calories for 2 non-consecutive days in the week. Other variations are a 16-hour fast with an 8-hour window when you can eat. Or, 20-hour fast with a 4-hour feeding window.

Far from being a “fad diet,” the Journal of Obesity reports that intermittent fasting is a safe way to lose weight. It can help a person to quickly achieve their dieting goals in a short space of time.20

To find out more how intermittent fasting can help you quickly lose weight, please read my article on the benefits of the 5:2 diet and how to use it.

3-hour diet to lose weight quickly

Dr. Michael Dansinger on WebMD says that quick results from dieting can be seen using the 3-hour diet. This involves eating small portions of food every 3 hours and limiting calorie intake to 1,400 calories daily.21

Unsafe Ways to Lose 10lbs in a Week or Less

If you do an internet search on losing 10 pounds in a week or less, you will undoubtedly come across many unsafe and unproven methods of rapid weight loss. Here are some of the most popular.

Fad diets

Stay clear of fad diets as they usually promise amazing weight-loss results in an unreasonable time with little effort.

The University of Pittsburgh Medical Center reports that fad diets usually cut out important food groups and can lead to a nutrient deficiency. Also, fad diets are not only difficult to maintain in the long-term but they can cause more health problems like cardiovascular diseases, kidney stones, and high blood pressure.22

Starving yourself

It is not a good idea to starve yourself in an attempt to lose 10 pounds in a week or less.

Even though starving yourself will cause rapid weight loss, Dr. Kathleen Zelman on WebMD warns that you can also lose a lot of muscle tissue and the end result is usually that the body burns calories even slower. Going on an extreme fasting diet may make it harder for you to lose weight in the long term and you might end up putting on a lot of weight after the diet.23

Weight-loss pills

Don’t believe all the hype about weight-loss pills because they are not scientifically proven.

Dr. Gary Vogin on WebMD reports that there is very little evidence that supplements or pills that claim to make you lose weight quickly actually work. Even though some supplements can give your metabolism a boost or promote fat burning, the pills won’t make you lose weight quickly.24

In fact, all you might lose are dollars from your pocket as these promoted ways to lose weight quickly are often very expensive.

Skipping meals

To lose as much as 10 pounds in one or two weeks, you shouldn’t skip meals in order to reduce calorie intake.

For example, according to Dr. Kathleen Zelman on WebMD, breakfast helps to maintain proper blood sugar levels in the body and provides necessary protein, vitamins, and nutrients for the day. It was also found that people who ate breakfast regularly snacked less and were still able to lose weight.25

According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, skipping breakfast leads to inflammatory conditions in the body.26

However, you should not confuse intermittent fasting with skipping meals. Intermittent fasting diets for rapid weight loss usually include light, low-calorie snacks or meals during the fasting time. This helps to nourish the body and prevent complications that extreme fasting can cause.

How to Lose 10 Pounds in One Week – The Bottom Line

When it comes to losing 10 pounds in a week, many studies show that this is highly possible.

However, it’s good to remember that this is mostly just water weight. If you really want to lose body fat, it is going to take longer than 2 weeks or even a month to reach your ideal weight. This requires sticking to a good weight-loss diet plan, exercising regularly, and taking care of your health in general.

Being realistic, the rapid weight loss that you experience in the first week of your diet plan can’t be maintained long-term. After the first week of quickly losing weight, your focus should turn to losing body fat gradually and in a safe manner.

For example, according to the Mayo Clinic, one pound of body fat contains 3,500 calories. The Mayo Clinic also reports that intensive aerobic exercising will burn about 650 calories in an hour. Therefore, if you do the math, to burn one pound of body fat you would have to do intensive exercising for just over 5 hours. Is this possible for you?

The bottom line is this: after losing up to 10 pounds in your first week of dieting, stick to safe methods to gradually lose weight and improve your general health.

Other Ways to Maintain a Healthy Weight

When you reach to your target body weight, you need to continue the good lessons you have learned from your effective weight-loss plan. According to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, the 3 main principles that will help you maintain a healthy weight are:29

  • Don’t consume more calories than you burn.
  • Keep active physically and mentally.
  • Lower calorie intake by 500 per day if you put on a few pounds.

Precautions when Losing 10 Pounds in 7 Days

Before undertaking a diet plan to lose weight fast, you are always advised to speak with a medical professional. Not all diet plans and exercise regimes are suitable for everyone and a doctor will check your general health. This will help you create a specific and effective diet plan that will not seriously impact on your health.

Your doctor will also examine you for any underlying health conditions that have to be taken into consideration. For example, high blood pressure, diabetes, or signs of joint stiffness or muscle weakness can all impact on the type of diet and exercise program that is best for you.

If your diet starts to make you feel unwell or you get fatigued easily, have dizzy spells, or nausea, you should speak to your doctor.

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Article Sources

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Healthy and Natural World