How to Get Rid of a Bump Inside Nose: The Most Effective Home Remedies

Pimple Inside Nose: Causes, Symptoms and Effective Natural Treatments

A bump inside your nose can be a nostril pimple, a nasal boil or another kind of inflamed lump causing discomfort, pain, and swelling. Bacterial infections or a blocked hair follicle inside your nasal passages are usually to blame for the sore nasal bump. At first, you may not notice the nostril bump at all, but as the lump grows, it may become itchy, swollen, painful, and fill with pus.

Treating bumps inside your nose can be tricky because they can be difficult to reach. Also, the skin on the inside of your nose is more sensitive than other areas of your body, therefore it may be more sensitive to pain.

Some of the best home remedies for pimples, boils, as well as other bumps inside your nose use antibacterial ingredients like tea tree oil, witch hazel, and aloe vera to help kill infections. Many natural remedies such as a warm compress, and salt water can also help to soothe the painful nasal bump and relieve inflammation.

Although most types of bumps that develop inside your nose are harmless and will go away quickly, some types of inflamed boils can become serious infections. If you notice that the infection won’t go away, you should contact your doctor for an examination.

First of all, this article looks at the various reasons that bumps, pimples, boils, and skin growths can develop inside your nose. You will also find out how to treat nose bumps at home with effective home remedies.

Causes and Symptoms of a Bump Inside Nose

Most bumps in your nose are connected with some kind of bacterial infection. This can be caused by acne that inflames hair follicles and can cause a small to large bump to form in your nostrils. Other bacterial infections in the nose cause large boils or lumps, that if not treated promptly, can spread the infection further in your face and body.

Pimples in nose

Having one or more bumps in your nose may be caused by acne pimples. Acne can affect many areas of the body, including the nasal passage, and is caused when excess oil from your hair glands and dead skin cells blocks hair follicles.

Doctors from the Mayo Clinic say that pimples are inflamed spots that have a white, pus-filled center. Sometimes, the inflammation may become worse and the pimple can develop into a cyst under the surface of your skin.1 In your nose, this type of bump will probably be quite painful and tender to touch.


Inflammation in one or more of the hair follicles in your nose can cause a condition called folliculitis. This skin condition can cause red itchy skin bumps inside your nose that develop into pus-filled blisters.

Doctors from WebMD say that folliculitis is caused by fungal or bacterial infections which cause red swollen pimples to affect the skin. Depending on the type of infection, the pimples could itch or burn and maybe drain pus or even blood.2

Dr. Laurence Knott on says that your nose also carries the Staphylococcus aureus strain of bacteria which is sometimes the cause of folliculitis. This can cause a large pimple in the nose to form if the bacteria infect a follicle.3

Nasal furuncles

A more serious infection in your nasal passage or just inside the opening of your nostril can cause large boil-like bumps called nasal furuncles. If the bacterial infection gets deeper into the tissue in your nose the bumps can become hard and painful. Sometimes, natural remedies will help to drain the nasal furuncle quicker.

Furuncles inside your nose can actually lead to a serious medical condition if not treated properly. Dr. Marvin Fried on MSD Manuals says that there are veins in the nose that lead to the brain. If the nasal infection gets into the bloodstream, it can quickly affect the brain.4

Nasal polyps

Nasal polyps are small white-colored skin growths that form bumps inside the nose. Nasal polyps are soft, painless lumps or nasal skin tags that many people don’t even know they have them.

According to doctors from the Mayo Clinic, nasal polyps are caused by chronic inflammation in the nose as a result from chronic sinusitis. The polyps in your nose can sometimes be so large that they block your sinuses or nasal passages. Along with the nasal bumps, you may have a persistent runny nose, decreased sense of smell and taste, headaches, or pressure in your forehead.5

Usually, if nasal polyps cause discomfort or irritation in your nose, your doctor can recommend the best course of treatment to get rid of them.

Excessive nose picking

Picking your nose too much can lead to damage of the delicate tissue in your nose and allow bacteria to infect the inside of your nose. A scratch from a sharp fingernail, inserting a sharp object, or irritation can all result in a bacterial infection that causes red areas of inflammation, itchiness inside your nostrils, and discomfort as the nasal boil forms.

Allergic rhinitis

One reason why bumps can develop in your nose is if you have allergic rhinitis or hay fever. According to doctors from the National Health Service, allergic rhinitis results in a chronic runny nose and postnasal drip that irritate the mucous membrane in the nose. This can result in nasal polyps resembling white skin tags in your nasal passage.6

To find out how to alleviate the symptoms of hay fever, please read my article on the best natural antihistamines or try these essential oils to relieve allergy.

Hair removal

Plucking hair, trimming it with scissors, or trying to remove it by other methods can leave you with a sore, hard lump inside your nose. As you pull out hair, you can nick the mucous tissue in your nose and cause an infection.

Doctors from WebMD say that damaged or irritated hair follicles can cause folliculitis if bacteria or fungi get into the follicle.2


Stress has been linked to outbreaks of acne. If you are under emotional stress, your immunity drops and you are more likely to suffer from an acne episode that may also affect the inside of your nose. When you’re stressed out, you may suffer from more itchy red bumps in your nose.

Dr. Stephanie Gardner on WebMD says that excess emotional and mental stress causes the body to produce more sebum. This means that it is easier for pimples on your face, back, and inside the nose to form.

There is another reason that stress can cause more pimples in your nose. Dr. Gardner continues that stress causes people to pick at things. If you start picking your nose or scratching the inside of your nostrils, you may end up with a large sore pimple inside your nose.

Home Treatments to Get Rid of a Bump in Nose

If you have a pimple or bump in your nose, how can you get rid of it naturally and quickly? Read on to find out some great simple recipes you can try at home.

Salt water for curing a bump inside nose

One of the easiest and cheapest ways to get rid of a pimple from your nostrils is to use salt water. Salt is a natural antibacterial agent that can help to quickly reduce a skin infection such as an infected bump inside the nose.

The British Journal of Plastic Surgery recommends using saline solution soaks to help clear infections from infected wounds. The salt water solution helps to drain any discharge from the nose pimple and speeds up healing time.7

How to use:

Here are the steps to use a salt water solution to help heal the painful bump inside your nose quicker:

  1. Mix 1/4 teaspoon salt in 1 cup of warm water and mix thoroughly.
  2. Dip a cotton swab in the salt remedy until it is completely soaked.
  3. Gently bathe the pimple like bump inside your nose with the cotton swab and salt mixture.
  4. Repeat the process 2-3 times a day, each time using a clean swab.
  5. Use a dry cotton bud to dry off the salt remedy from the swollen lump in your nose.
  6. Continue until the pus from the nasal pimple has drained and you no longer have a sore inflamed bump in your nose.

Warm compress

If your pimple or boil is just near the nostril opening, you can use a warm compress to help treat the red bump. Heat from the compress increases circulation to the nose bump and accelerates the healing process.

Doctors from WebMD recommend treating cysts and boils with a warm compress. Apart from helping the pimple like bump inside your nose to heal quicker, the warm compress will provide soothing relief from pain and discomfort.8

How to use:

To use a warm compress to help get rid of a pimple just inside your nasal opening without any medication, this is what you should do:

  1. Soak a washcloth in warm water.
  2. Making sure the washcloth isn’t too hot to burn your skin, apply the warm compress on the outside of your nose (or inside if it’s not too swollen and painful).
  3. Hold there for a few minutes, frequently dipping the washcloth in warm water to prevent the cloth cooling too much. The warmth of the warm compress will help to bring the nasal pimple to a head and it should break and ooze on its own.
  4. Apply the warm compress 2 times a day for up to a week to help get rid of the painful bump in your nose.
  5. If you still don’t have a relief from the inflammation and pain caused by the by nasal bump, you should see a doctor.

Coconut oil

Virgin coconut oil is an amazing soothing natural oil that can help provide relief from an inflamed bump inside your nostrils. Coconut oil contains natural antibacterial properties and its moisturizing effect can help to provide a protective barrier on the swollen red bump.

The antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of virgin coconut oil are thanks to lauric acid and capric acid. A study published in the Journal of Dermatological Science found that these fatty acids help to kill off the bacteria responsible for acne and pimples.9

To use coconut oil effectively to get rid of bacterial skin infections, you can add some tea tree oil or lavender oil. The antibacterial properties of tea tree oil are well-known and well-studied. For example, doctors from WebMD say that tea tree oil is often used in acne treatments to clear infections.10

Lavender oil can also be used to get rid of acne-causing bacteria and reduce the inflammation in pimples and other infected skin lesions. One study found that lavender was among 10 different essential oils that have antibacterial activity.11

How to use:

You can make a quick natural salve at home to help reduce bacterial infections inside your nose and speedily soothe inflamed nasal bumps. This is what you should do:

  1. Mix 2-3 drops of either tea tree oil or lavender oil with one tablespoon virgin coconut oil and store in a small glass jar.
  2. Take a cotton swab and gently apply a little of the coconut oil remedy to the inflamed bump inside your nose.
  3. Repeat 2-3 times a day and repeat daily to help get rid of the painful nose lump and prevent infection.

Steam inhalation

Another novel way to help get rid of an inflamed, itchy bump in your nose is to use steam inhalation. Mixing some antibacterial essential oils will help to kill off any acne-causing bacteria in your nasal passages.

Lavender essential oil is a great oil to use for steam inhalation to get rid of a bump inside your nose. Apart from having antibacterial activities, studies have shown that lavender helps reduce stress when inhaled.12 As I’ve already mentioned in this article, stress can also be a cause of acne and pimples inside the nose.

How to use:

All you need to use to eliminate that annoying bump inside your nose is some hot water, lavender oil, and a towel. This is what you should do:

  1. Put three drops of tea tree and three drops of lavender in a large pot with water.
  2. Heat the water until it almost boils.
  3. Remove the pot from the heat, put a towel over your head and inhale the steam through your nose to help kill off infections in your nasal passages.
  4. Do this for 10 minutes, 2-3 times a day until you get relief from the bump inside your nose.

Witch hazel

Another great natural ingredient that can help to get rid of a bump, pimple, or boil inside your nose is witch hazel. Acting as an astringent, witch hazel helps to reduce inflammation in swollen red hair follicles in your nose. The antiseptic effect of witch hazel also helps to reduce the spread of infection.

The journal Advances in Dermatology reported that extracts from witch hazel showed anti-inflammatory activity and can be used to treat a number of inflammatory skin conditions.13 Also, studies have shown that witch hazel is good for killing off bacteria from skin infections due to its antiseptic and antimicrobial properties.14

How to use:

To use witch hazel to reduce the size of the inflamed bump in your nose, this is what you should do:

  1. Soak the end of a cotton bud in some witch hazel.
  2. Gently rub the witch hazel remedy on the swollen lump inside your nose.
  3. Apply 2-3 times a day every day until the bump in your nose has gone for good.

You can help boost the antibacterial power of witch hazel by adding a couple of drops of tea tree oil. This will help to kill off any bacteria in your nose that is causing the hair follicle infection. You should use 2-3 drops of tree tea oil for every tablespoon of witch hazel.

Baking soda

Baking soda can help to dry out pus from an infected pimple in your nose and promote faster healing. As well as being a natural anti-inflammatory compound, baking soda is also antibacterial and can help to speed up the removal of infected bumps in your nose.

For example, a study on the antibacterial effect of baking soda on skin infections has shown that it promotes wound healing.15 Another study showed that when baking soda was combined with hydrogen peroxide, it was effective in helping to prevent infections in skin lesions.16

How to use:

You can use a baking soda paste with water to help clear pimples in your nose. Or you can add a few drops of lavender oil or tree tea oil to improve its wound-healing efficiency. This is what you should do to heal the nasal bump:

  1. Mix some baking soda with a little water to form a paste.
  2. Add a drop or two of essential oil (such as tea tree or lavender).
  3. Using a cotton swab, apply the baking soda paste to the red bump inside your nose.
  4. Leave for 10-15 minutes to kill off bacteria-causing acne.
  5. Rinse with warm water and dry the inside of your nose with a clean cotton swab.

Apply a little virgin coconut oil to moisturize the nostril bump to help prevent more irritation and infection around it.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera is a great natural remedy for any kind of skin inflammation. You can also apply some aloe vera to the inside of your nostrils to soothe irritation and itchiness from a boil or inflamed bump.

The healing properties of aloe vera were reported in the Indian Journal of Dermatology. Researchers have found that aloe vera stimulates healing in infected wounds. The anti-inflammatory properties of aloe vera also help reduce pain, swelling, and itching in pimples and skin bumps.17

How to use:

To treat a bump inside your nose you can simply apply pure aloe vera gel to the affected area or you can add other ingredients to accelerate pimple healing. These are the steps:

  1. Put some aloe vera on the end of a cotton bud and apply to the sore pimple inside your nose.
  2. Leave the aloe vera gel on the bump to allow the healing properties absorb into your nasal tissue.
  3. Repeat 2 times a day and continue applying until the sore pimple or boil has gone for good.

You can also add to the aloe vera one or two drops of lavender essential oil or tea tree oil to boost the aloe vera’s healing properties.

Alternatively, you can make a spot treatment by making a paste with aloe vera and baking soda. Mix a little aloe vera with baking soda. Apply to the pimple in your nasal passage, leave for 10 minutes before rinsing off.


Turmeric paste can be an effective home remedy to help get rid of a bump that is causing irritation in your nose. Turmeric isn’t just a delicious herb to cook with, but it has many beneficial medicinal properties. Turmeric can be used to help reduce inflammation, kill off infection, and get rid of swelling from infected pimples.

Regarding the healing potential of turmeric in wounds, a study from 2015 reported that compounds in turmeric have antibacterial properties against a number of bacterial strains, including Staphylococcus aureus. 18 Other studies have shown that the main compound in turmeric, curcumin, reduces skin inflammation and infections.19

How to use:

To make a turmeric paste to get rid of an infection in a hair follicle in your nasal passages, this is what you should do:

  1. Mix a teaspoon of turmeric with a little water until you have a thick paste.
  2. Apply the turmeric paste to the sore bump in your nostril and leave for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Carefully rinse off with warm water. Please remember that turmeric can easily stain fabrics or clothing.
  4. Use in the morning and evening to help get rid of the red, swollen bump inside your nose.

You can also create turmeric paste by mixing it with a little honey. Honey contains powerful antibacterial properties which kill off germs that can cause hair follicles to become infected. A study published in the Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine also found that honey helps wounds to heal faster because it provides a moist protective barrier to prevent infection spreading.22

Apple cider vinegar

Diluted raw apple cider vinegar (ACV) can help reduce the itch, swelling, and redness that a bump in your nose causes. Apple cider vinegar is a natural antiseptic and can accelerate healing in inflammatory skin conditions.

Many of the healing properties of apple cider vinegar are thanks to its acetic acid content. The journal PloS One reported that acetic acid helps to kill off bacteria that can cause skin infections. Also, the low pH level of ACV helps to reduce itching in infected skin wounds.20

How to use:

Because apple cider vinegar is very acidic, you have to dilute it well before applying it to the sensitive tissue inside your nose. To use ACV to get rid of a bump in your nose, this is what you should do:

  1. Dilute raw unprocessed apple cider vinegar (one part ACV and 2 parts water).
  2. Use a cotton swab to rinse the inside of your nose where the inflammation is.
  3. Allow to dry.
  4. Apply 2-3 times a day to relieve itching and help promote healing of the bump in your nose.

Should you squeeze a pimple in your nose?

The soreness, irritation, and discomfort that an infected bump in your nose causes may make you want to pop the pimple. However, great care should be taken before popping any pus-filled bump, especially if it is a blind pimple.

Infected bumps in your nose may be difficult to get to and there is a risk that popping the pimple will only cause the infection to go deeper into the skin. This can cause a more serious infection that can be difficult to treat. Therefore, doctors from WebMD don’t recommend squeezing lumps or pimples and recommend to leave them alone.21

How to Prevent a Bump in Your Nose

It’s important to care properly for any kind of pimple, nodule, boil, or any other lump inside your nose. If the infection gets worse, it can have serious medical consequences. The following advice can help to prevent bumps forming in your nose and also prevent the infection from getting worse.

  • Don’t pick or poke around your nostrils as this can damage the nasal lining.
  • If you do have to put your finger in your nostril, wash your hands first and make sure your nails aren’t long and sharp.
  • Don’t blow your nose too hard as this can cause irritation and make the infection worse.
  • Don’t plug your nostrils with cotton or tissue. Air helps to speed up healing time of the nasal lump.
  • If you suffer from allergies or hay fever, take precautions to avoid allergens causing allergic reactions.
  • Look for ways to reduce stress naturally to help prevent acne flare-ups.

A Bump Inside Your Nose – When to See a Doctor

If the pimple or infected bump in your nose doesn’t show any sign of improvement or signs of the infection get worse, you should visit your doctor. Professor of Otorhinolaryngology, Dr. Marvin Fred says that bacterial infections in the nose can affect the brain and lead to a life-threatening condition.4

Doctors on WebMD say that a pimple should take between 3-7 days to heal completely.21 Therefore, if, after using natural remedies for a bump in your nose, the inflammation, soreness, redness, and swelling don’t go away after a few days, you should visit your doctor.

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Article Sources

  1. MayoClinic. Acne.
  2. WebMD. Folliculitis.
  3. PatientInfo . Folliculitis.
  4. MSDManuals. Bacterial nasal infections.
  5. MayoClinic. Nasal polyps.
  6. NHS. Allergic rhinitis.
  7. Br J Plast Surg. 2000 Jan;53(1):42-5.
  8. WebMD. Skin cysts.
  9. J Dermatol Sci. 2014 Mar;73(3):232-40.
  10. WebMD. Tea tree oil.
  11. Molecules. 2010 Apr 30;15(5):3200-10.
  12. Iran J Nurs Midwifery Res. 2016 Mar-Apr; 21(2): 197–201.
  13. Postepy Dermatol Alergol. 2013 Jun; 30(3): 170–177.
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  18. Mymensingh Med J. 2015 Jul;24(3):506-15.
  19. J Altern Complement Med. 2003 Feb;9(1):161-8.
  20. PLoS One. 2015 Sep 9;10(9):e0136190.
  21. WebMD. Before you pop a pimple.
  22. Asian Pac J Trop Biomed. 2011 Apr; 1(2): 154–160

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